On Thu, Mar 25, 2021 at 3:07 PM Josh Durgin <jdurgin@redhat.com> wrote:
If you're compiling you can use the pacific branch.

The latest pacific container would be based on the pacific branch, and
include the RC and additional fixes since then.

The RC packages are on https://download.ceph.com in the usual places, e.g.:



That's the packages, what about "the usual" source tar.gz files, e.g.  https://download.ceph.com/tarballs/ceph-16.1.0.tar.gz and https://download.ceph.com/tarballs/ceph_16.1.0.orig.tar.gz??
I never did get a satisfactory answer about why the v16.1.0 tag was made back in January without a matching .../tarballs/ceph-16.1.0.tar.gz. I kept getting long winded explanations — digressions — about "the release," (meaning the GA I guess?) which I wasn't asking about.

AFAICT since at least jewel, there's been a matching tar.gz for every vX.1.z tag (and every vX.2.z tag too, but let's not muddy the waters.) 

And what tag is it now that corresponds to the ceph-16.1.0 packages? IMO it kinda violates POLA that the v16.1.0 tag has no relationship whatsoever to the RC.

(It would also violate POLA, IMO, to move the tag. And I've been assured that the tag won't be moved, so that much at least is good.)

And yes, I can simply extract the tar.gz from the src.rpm. That's beside the point.


