On Wed, Mar 22, 2023 at 3:10 AM Janne Johansson <icepic.dz@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2) .mgr pool
> 2.1) I have become really tired of these administrative pools that are created on the fly without any regards to device classes, available capacity, PG allocation and the like. The first one that showed up without warning was device_health_metrics, which turned the cluster health_err right away because the on-the-fly pool creation is, well, not exactly smart.
> We don't even have drives below the default root. We have a lot of different pools on different (custom!) device classes with different replication schemes to accommodate a large variety of use cases. Administrative pools showing up randomly somewhere in the tree are a real pain. There are ceph-user cases where people deleted and recreated it only to make the device health module useless, because it seems to store the pool ID and there is no way to tell it to use the new pool.

Ah, that's why it looked unused after I also had to remake it. Since
it gets created when you don't have the OSDs yet, the possibilities
for it ending up wrong seem very large.

Ok. I changed the mgr/devicehealth/pool_name to a new pool and was able to query the OSD daemons for health metrics but was not able to get the device health metrics. IMHO we should track this inconsistency through a tracker if it's not already filed.

May the most significant bit of your life be positive.