Hi John,

Thanks for bringing this PR to our attention!

The general process to merge PRs in Ceph involves code reviews and making sure relevant tests are passing. Once a PR gets approved, a "needs-qa" label is added to PRs to indicate that the PR is ready for testing. In most cases, this testing means running relevant test suites in teuthology. In cases where teuthology testing is not needed, it is fine to summarize the validation that has been done for the PR as a comment to indicate that the PR is ready for merge. This process is more formally described in https://docs.ceph.com/en/quincy/dev/developer_guide/basic-workflow/.

As far as your PR is concerned, I am not seeing a "needs-qa" label on it. Do you think the PR has gone through adequate testing and can be merged as is? 


On Fri, Feb 10, 2023 at 9:08 AM Mark Nelson <mark.a.nelson@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi John,

Really sorry about the wait.  Unfortunately I think the reality is that
there are more people trying to contribute code than there are people
that can review code right now.  Even in the core OSD code we have cases
where Adam, Igor and I all have PRs we've made that we should be
reviewing for each other and they can end up spending months in queue
because none of us have time to properly review and merge them.  It's
not personal, just the reality of everyone trying to balance writing
code, reviewing code, and still having some kind of life outside work
(It's easy to be completely consumed and burn out if you let it, I've
been there).

I see Kefu approved your PR, but doesn't want to merge it himself as
he's not a maintainer anymore.  That's fair.  He used to maintain quite
a bit of the build script stuff but since he left we haven't really had
any specific point person take over afaik.  I looked over the PR but I'm
not super familiar with the internals of install-deps.sh or run-make.sh.
  I'd really feel better if someone that's worked on those files before
did another review and approved the merge.  If that doesn't happen,
maybe we can merge based on Kefu's approval alone.

Please don't hesitate to keep poking us. :)


On 2/10/23 10:39, John Mulligan wrote:
> As part of an effort to build and test ceph in containers I posted a PR in
> November:
> https://github.com/ceph/ceph/pull/48697
> As noted in the PR there are two approvals but no one seems willing or has the
> time to shepherd the PR through the merge process.
> I'm not sure what my next steps on this PR can be. I had planned on having
> this PR serve as an intermediate step towards being able to build from source
> and run 'make tests' in containers. This is an effort Enesto started and I've
> been working on for a while. I'm currently blocked because of the uncertainty
> around this PR.
> If anyone has any thoughts or recommendations for me I'd appreciate it. I did
> ping ceph/core in the PR as well, but I figured I might get some more attention
> here on the list.
> Thanks!
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