Yuri Weinstein <yweinste@redhat.com>于2021年6月2日 周三22:35写道:
Last call for PRs targeted for the final Nautilus release.
Pls raise the PRs if you have any issues that need to be addressed.

Hi Yuri, I tagged some PRs over GitHub. Could you help test them and include them if they pass the tests?


On Mon, May 24, 2021 at 9:24 AM Yuri Weinstein <yweinste@redhat.com> wrote:
> As nautilus is nearing its EOL we are planning to do a next (maybe the
> last) point release - nautilus 14.2.22 in the first part of June 2021.
> If you have any code changes that are to be included pls raise PRs and
> add labels "nautilus -batch1" and "needs-qa", so they can be tested
> and merged in time for 14.2.22.
> Thx
> YuriW
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