orch approved. We have an issue with the "upgrade ls" (which just lists images that could be upgraded to, not actually necessary for upgrading) and one known issue in the jager-tracing deployment test, but nothing to block release.

On Sun, Jul 30, 2023 at 11:46 AM Yuri Weinstein <yweinste@redhat.com> wrote:
Details of this release are summarized here:


Seeking approvals/reviews for:

smoke - Laura, Radek
rados - Neha, Radek, Travis, Ernesto, Adam King
rgw - Casey
fs - Venky
orch - Adam King
rbd - Ilya
krbd - Ilya
upgrade-clients:client-upgrade* - in progress
powercycle - Brad

Please reply to this email with approval and/or trackers of known
issues/PRs to address them.

bookworm distro support is an outstanding issue.

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