Hi Team,
I have been working on ceph to understand the full extent of its capability.Ceph version: 18.25
OS: Almalinux 8.8

I am working on a project which uses Ceph object gateway(Buckets).

I want the metrics for users and buckets to be shown in prometheus.

But when I checked the current metrics being sent to prometheus, there were no required metrics that showed the bucket/user usage of the objects.
We are getting other metrics from ceph.
Kindly refer to the image:


But the bucket and user required info is not present.(Kindly refer the second image)


I got the following links which indicates that a ceph exporter needs to be installed to expose those metrices.
1. https://github.com/SepehrImanian/s3-ceph-exporter
2. https://github.com/blemmenes/radosgw_usage_exporter
3. https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/radosgw/metrics/

Could anyone please help me with this?

Thanks and regards,
Kushagra Gupta