report 1067799142 { "cluster_fingerprint": "f71b5f78-64c9-4e77-b523-d2de5e5f1a01", "version": "15.2.6", "commit": "cb8c61a60551b72614257d632a574d420064c17a", "timestamp": "2020-12-16T14:46:26.701139+0000", "tag": "", "health": { "status": "HEALTH_WARN", "checks": { "MDS_SLOW_METADATA_IO": { "severity": "HEALTH_WARN", "summary": { "message": "2 MDSs report slow metadata IOs", "count": 2 }, "detail": [ { "message": "mdscephfs-a(mds.0): 100+ slow metadata IOs are blocked > 30 secs, oldest blocked for 9181 secs" }, { "message": "mdscephfs-b(mds.0): 1 slow metadata IOs are blocked > 30 secs, oldest blocked for 9051 secs" } ], "muted": false }, "MDS_SLOW_REQUEST": { "severity": "HEALTH_WARN", "summary": { "message": "1 MDSs report slow requests", "count": 1 }, "detail": [ { "message": "mdscephfs-a(mds.0): 129 slow requests are blocked > 30 secs" } ], "muted": false }, "MON_DOWN": { "severity": "HEALTH_WARN", "summary": { "message": "1/3 mons down, quorum f,k", "count": 1 }, "detail": [ { "message": "mon.m (rank 2) addr [v2:,v1:] is down (out of quorum)" } ], "muted": false }, "PG_AVAILABILITY": { "severity": "HEALTH_WARN", "summary": { "message": "Reduced data availability: 25 pgs inactive, 25 pgs down", "count": 50 }, "detail": [ { "message": "pg 1.9 is down, acting [3,0]" }, { "message": "pg 1.a is down, acting [3,2]" }, { "message": "pg 1.d is down, acting [0,3]" }, { "message": "pg 1.e is down, acting [3,2]" }, { "message": "pg 1.11 is down, acting [3,0]" }, { "message": "pg 1.17 is down, acting [3,0]" }, { "message": "pg 1.1c is down, acting [3,0]" }, { "message": "pg 2.2 is down, acting [3,0]" }, { "message": "pg 2.7 is down, acting [3,2]" }, { "message": "pg 2.9 is down, acting [3,2]" }, { "message": "pg 2.d is down, acting [3,0]" }, { "message": "pg 2.10 is down, acting [3,2]" }, { "message": "pg 2.12 is down, acting [3,0]" }, { "message": "pg 2.1b is down, acting [3,0]" }, { "message": "pg 2.1c is down, acting [3,2]" }, { "message": "pg 2.1e is down, acting [3,0]" }, { "message": "pg 3.0 is down, acting [0,3]" }, { "message": "pg 3.2 is down, acting [2,3]" }, { "message": "pg 3.3 is down, acting [3,0]" }, { "message": "pg 3.8 is down, acting [3,0]" }, { "message": "pg 3.a is down, acting [3,0]" }, { "message": "pg 3.e is down, acting [3,2]" }, { "message": "pg 3.12 is down, acting [2,3]" }, { "message": "pg 3.13 is down, acting [3,2]" }, { "message": "pg 3.1b is down, acting [3,0]" } ], "muted": false }, "SLOW_OPS": { "severity": "HEALTH_WARN", "summary": { "message": "602 slow ops, oldest one blocked for 8123 sec, daemons [osd.0,osd.2,mon.f] have slow ops.", "count": 1 }, "detail": [], "muted": false } }, "mutes": [] }, "monmap_first_committed": 1, "monmap_last_committed": 24, "monmap": { "epoch": 24, "fsid": "39941002-eb2d-498a-bab4-04961fb33a42", "modified": "2020-12-16T09:55:13.010421Z", "created": "2019-11-21T16:05:56.597779Z", "min_mon_release": 15, "min_mon_release_name": "octopus", "features": { "persistent": [ "kraken", "luminous", "mimic", "osdmap-prune", "nautilus", "octopus" ], "optional": [] }, "mons": [ { "rank": 0, "name": "f", "public_addrs": { "addrvec": [ { "type": "v2", "addr": "", "nonce": 0 }, { "type": "v1", "addr": "", "nonce": 0 } ] }, "addr": "", "public_addr": "", "priority": 0, "weight": 0 }, { "rank": 1, "name": "k", "public_addrs": { "addrvec": [ { "type": "v2", "addr": "", "nonce": 0 }, { "type": "v1", "addr": "", "nonce": 0 } ] }, "addr": "", "public_addr": "", "priority": 0, "weight": 0 }, { "rank": 2, "name": "m", "public_addrs": { "addrvec": [ { "type": "v2", "addr": "", "nonce": 0 }, { "type": "v1", "addr": "", "nonce": 0 } ] }, "addr": "", "public_addr": "", "priority": 0, "weight": 0 } ] }, "quorum": [ 0, 1 ], "osdmap": { "epoch": 9019, "fsid": "39941002-eb2d-498a-bab4-04961fb33a42", "created": "2019-11-21T16:05:57.640347+0000", "modified": "2020-12-16T14:42:15.846697+0000", "last_up_change": "2020-12-16T14:10:00.415027+0000", "last_in_change": "2020-12-16T14:10:00.415027+0000", "flags": "sortbitwise,recovery_deletes,purged_snapdirs,pglog_hardlimit", "flags_num": 5799936, "flags_set": [ "pglog_hardlimit", "purged_snapdirs", "recovery_deletes", "sortbitwise" ], "crush_version": 14, "full_ratio": 0.94999998807907104, "backfillfull_ratio": 0.89999997615814209, "nearfull_ratio": 0.85000002384185791, "cluster_snapshot": "", "pool_max": 4, "max_osd": 4, "require_min_compat_client": "luminous", "min_compat_client": "jewel", "require_osd_release": "octopus", "pools": [ { "pool": 1, "pool_name": "rbdpool", "create_time": "2019-11-21T16:07:32.986975+0000", "flags": 8193, "flags_names": "hashpspool,selfmanaged_snaps", "type": 1, "size": 2, "min_size": 1, "crush_rule": 1, "object_hash": 2, "pg_autoscale_mode": "on", "pg_num": 32, "pg_placement_num": 32, "pg_placement_num_target": 32, "pg_num_target": 32, "pg_num_pending": 32, "last_pg_merge_meta": { "source_pgid": "0.0", "ready_epoch": 0, "last_epoch_started": 0, "last_epoch_clean": 0, "source_version": "0'0", "target_version": "0'0" }, "last_change": "8657", "last_force_op_resend": "0", "last_force_op_resend_prenautilus": "0", "last_force_op_resend_preluminous": "1613", "auid": 0, "snap_mode": "selfmanaged", "snap_seq": 3, "snap_epoch": 19, "pool_snaps": [], "removed_snaps": "[]", "quota_max_bytes": 0, "quota_max_objects": 0, "tiers": [], "tier_of": -1, "read_tier": -1, "write_tier": -1, "cache_mode": "none", "target_max_bytes": 0, "target_max_objects": 0, "cache_target_dirty_ratio_micro": 400000, "cache_target_dirty_high_ratio_micro": 600000, "cache_target_full_ratio_micro": 800000, "cache_min_flush_age": 0, "cache_min_evict_age": 0, "erasure_code_profile": "", "hit_set_params": { "type": "none" }, "hit_set_period": 0, "hit_set_count": 0, "use_gmt_hitset": true, "min_read_recency_for_promote": 0, "min_write_recency_for_promote": 0, "hit_set_grade_decay_rate": 0, "hit_set_search_last_n": 0, "grade_table": [], "stripe_width": 0, "expected_num_objects": 0, 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"cluster_addrs": { "addrvec": [ { "type": "v2", "addr": "", "nonce": 1472157578 }, { "type": "v1", "addr": "", "nonce": 1472157578 } ] }, "heartbeat_back_addrs": { "addrvec": [ { "type": "v2", "addr": "", "nonce": 1472157578 }, { "type": "v1", "addr": "", "nonce": 1472157578 } ] }, "heartbeat_front_addrs": { "addrvec": [ { "type": "v2", "addr": "", "nonce": 1472157578 }, { "type": "v1", "addr": "", "nonce": 1472157578 } ] }, "public_addr": "", "cluster_addr": "", "heartbeat_back_addr": "", "heartbeat_front_addr": "", "state": [ "exists", "up" ] } ], "osd_xinfo": [ { "osd": 0, "down_stamp": "2020-11-30T07:43:58.886656+0000", "laggy_probability": 0, "laggy_interval": 0, "features": 4540138292836696063, "old_weight": 0, "last_purged_snaps_scrub": "2020-12-16T07:44:08.318462+0000", "dead_epoch": 8565 }, { "osd": 1, "down_stamp": "2020-11-30T07:43:59.893241+0000", "laggy_probability": 0, "laggy_interval": 0, "features": 4540138292836696063, "old_weight": 65536, "last_purged_snaps_scrub": "2020-12-16T07:44:07.193968+0000", "dead_epoch": 8850 }, { "osd": 2, "down_stamp": "2020-12-02T20:50:38.561773+0000", "laggy_probability": 0, "laggy_interval": 0, "features": 4540138292836696063, "old_weight": 0, "last_purged_snaps_scrub": "2020-12-16T07:44:08.708138+0000", "dead_epoch": 8534 }, { "osd": 3, "down_stamp": "2020-12-16T13:41:17.899806+0000", "laggy_probability": 0, "laggy_interval": 0, "features": 4540138292836696063, "old_weight": 0, "last_purged_snaps_scrub": "2020-12-16T07:44:15.719293+0000", "dead_epoch": 8569 } ], "pg_upmap": [], "pg_upmap_items": [], "pg_temp": [ { "pgid": "1.b", "osds": [ 2, 0 ] }, { "pgid": "3.4", "osds": [ 0, 2 ] }, { "pgid": "3.9", "osds": [ 2, 0 ] }, { "pgid": "3.14", "osds": [ 2, 0 ] } ], "primary_temp": [], "blacklist": { "": "2020-12-17T14:42:15.846634+0000", "": "2020-12-17T14:42:15.846634+0000", "": "2020-12-17T14:34:11.404103+0000", "": "2020-12-17T14:24:35.084957+0000", "": "2020-12-17T14:24:35.084957+0000", "": 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