We’re bringing Ceph to you, conveniently co-located with OpenStack Summit Berlin! Join Ceph experts, our customers and partners, and active members of the Ceph community in a full-day event all about Ceph. You’ll hear from key members of the development community, storage industry experts, and users who are already transforming their storage with Ceph.

Where: CityCube Berlin

When: November 12, 2018

Register now!

You’ll learn about:

We’ll fill your day with learning and your evening with a cocktail hour during which you can network with other attendees and chat with all the speakers.

Space is limited, so sign up now!

*You can sign up for the separate Ceph Day prior to OpenStack Summit via the site even if you do not take the chance to register for the main conference. CFP will also be going out soon. If you have any questions please contact Danielle Womboldt at dwombold@redhat.com or Mike Perez at miperez@redhat.com.

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